
bredäng, stockholm






sado, niigata. 佐渡、新潟 その⑨





  • Oさんは今回の滞在で最初に連絡を取った数人のうち一人で、唯一予め面会の予約をしていた方である。なので、いちばん聞きたいことを聞けた。「佐渡は都市ブランディングをしているか?」という質問である。答えはNOだった。それ以外にも旧10市町村から佐渡市に変わった際の話や、佐渡市になったからこそ目指さなければならない、「佐渡の~」という佐渡の特産の必要性を伺った。事前にお願いしておいたデータをしっかり提供して下さり、さらには佐渡トートバッグまで頂いた。
  • Nさんは滞在でホストをして下さったTさんの活動仲間ということで紹介をして頂いた。Nさんには特に、佐渡の地域おこし企画である、「佐渡おこしチャレンジ事業」を説明して頂いた。これは3年間を上限に上限が100万円で事業の7割の補助をするという太っ腹な企画である。また、鬼太鼓等、地域文化の継承に関してもお話を聞けた。曰く、保守の高齢層の元気が低下したおかげで、よそ者が入りやすくはなってきているらしい。


  • Sさんは、やはりTさんの紹介で知り合え、アンケート回収で圧倒的な協力を頂けた。インタビューでは特に、合併前後の新穂についてうかがった。旧新穂村は、合併の是非を村議会で会議した際、かなり賛否が拮抗したらしい。それは、旧新穂がお金はなくともそれなりに健全な村運営を行っており、下降気味の他市町村とくっつく必要性が問われたからだそうだ。ちなみに、なぜあの「平成の大合併」が行われたかすらもよくわかっていなかったのだが、それについても簡単に説明して下さった。今後として、「経済成長ではなくて新穂の特徴の継続」ということを仰っていた。新穂パラダイムである。ちなみに、それはやはり農業中心である。


  • OさんとHさんのお二人からお話を伺った。Tさんが理事を務めるしま海道の総会で挨拶をさせて頂き、お忙しい中無理を言ってお時間を頂けた。特に伺いたかったのが、佐渡市と新潟県佐渡地域振興局の関係である。市がよりローカルにいくのに対し、県はバランスをとる存在らしい。それは、県内の地域間のバランスだったり。だが、やはり役職がかぶる部分も多々あるらしいので、その辺は市との協働でやっているそうだ。また、県の最上位計画には「佐渡がどうの・・・」ということはないが、振興局を通して、県が佐渡にどう貢献できるかを提示している。






Pure Japan? "Smart shrinkage" city branding!!!

today i just write how i stuck in the thesis, both in english and japanese.

"Pure Japan"

when people see/hear the phrase, how many of them can notice it as Sado?
im not sure if even local people would notice it.
at least, until i started studying city branding and chose sado as the case study for my thesis, i didnt know that this is the slogan of sado. to put it more precisely, "i never heard the phrase."
most probably, city branding campaign should be carried out in the near future, for the sake of obtaining better and charming image about sado. then the slogan or brand name has to be more catchy and easier to comprehend for the consumers. what should it be...

im now tackling to create branding slogan for sado with smart growth concept. however, smart growth is the concept for growing cities, so it has to be modified to "smart shrinkage." this would be a new conception. european commission just started the project of "shrink smart" in as late as May 2009, and theres nothing available yet. theres also a topic about smart shrinkage from a blog called "preservation institute blog," yet it just introduces the potential of smart shrinkage. theres not definition of smart shrinkage available yet.

but its unfortunate that its becoming already too late to change the perspectives for the thesis, so i cant change about my idea of smart shrinkage. ive been thinking about it from last year, but still i dont get to any good form of it. too less experience to come up with great idea. nevertheless, im very proud of myself that i could come up with this idea of smart growth in shrinking city, which actually doesnt make sense. i believe in miracles!!!


yokohama, 横浜

its been also more than 4months since my visit, yet this time the target site is yokohama, japan. as ive done before, it starts with brief description, and analysis follows. furthermore, this time i could come up with a slogan for city branding of yokohayam. 

yokohama is the biggest municipality in japan with regards to the population (about 3.7 million in the city alone), since tokyo is consisted of 24 wards and osaka city is not as big as yokohama. yet since its still in the great tokyo area, its not regarded as one of three megacities (tokyo, osaka, nagoya). it has a long history of city planning thanks to Tamura Akira, it has very unique built environment, and often the citizens of yokohama are very proud of living there.

my destination this time was super rich area of yamanote and the biggest china town in japan. 

firstly, the strength of yamanote is very beautiful "foreigners' houses." they were built in the beginning of the 20th century or so, for diplomats. this is because of the origine of yokohama as one of the 5 ports in japan which was open for the world in the middle of the 19th century. many houses were destroyed during the war unfortunately, but many were still preserved very nicely. the nearby houses are for very rich people and they look sometimes equally fancy as them. the foreigners houses are now open for public for free. because of yamanote's location, it is possible to overview the whole area of yokohama. waht is more, the area covered by nature is relatively big. this enables us to enjoy natural amenities as well.

on the contrary, although the buildings are great and visitors can enjoy the fancy atmosphere which yamanote creates, the infrastructure is not well organized enough at all. the elec cables are running everywhere, and the road fabric is just plain concreates. they do not really fit to the characteristics of yamanote. furthermore, although it maybe inevitable because of its location, but this area is extremely segregated from ordinary people in terms of residence. only rich people can live here. there are some schools in this area, but they are for rich families only. no way i could afford to go... this social segregation might in the future cause some issues of its sustainability.

it is well connected to tokyo by various train lines, making easier for people to visit here and residents to go to work (although i doubt if they use public transport). at least it is useful for rich kids coming to fancy schools. furthermore, because the planning culture is well grown in yokohama as mentioned earlier, i dont think any crazy development plans would be realized here.

between yamanote and china town, there is a shopping street wellknown for its street landscape. it is motomachi shopping street. it has some good plans to enable pedestrians to enjoy the atmosphere, such as relaxing equipments, restriction in heights of buildings, restriction in car traffic, stand back shops, and so on. it might be nothing special in european context, but this is the charismatic street in japan.

china town is also contributing the unique character of yokohama (or ishikawachou area). its built environment is totally different. the huge number of chinese restaurants and shops even contributes to the identity of yokohama.

yet there is a huge threat. the news about unsafe chinese food has caused the decline in visitors.

i dont think there are many things yokohama has to do in order to improve these areas, except basic infrastructure. but in order to improve the image of these areas and yokohama as a whole, a place branding campaign should be carried out. the slogan comes up to my mind just now is "Yokohama connects to you." this refers not only to yokohama's history as the first gate from the world to japan (and from japan to the world), but to its character of global atmosphere, such as foreigners houses and china town. furthremore, the "you" refers to the all the people around the world, because yokohama is most probablly somehow connected from anywhere around the world. and it can involve all the global citizens like New York's "I ♡ NY" and Amsterdam's "I amsterdam." i dont think this is the best slogan for yokohama since this is just appeared on my mind a couple minutes ago yet it may be a good first step to market and brand yokohama for the further development.


sekijuku, mie. 関宿、三重

its been more than 4 months since i visited there, yet the topics for today is about Sekijuku.

Sekijuku is in the city of Kameyama, Mie prefecture. it is the 47th station of Toukaidou 53. it is on the list of important traditional buildings agglomeration preservation districts. these are the basic information. 

its Strength is the great built environment, and non-touristy atmosphere. the urban landscape was preserved very well with smart ideas. the road surfaces were also very good both for pedestrians and local drivers. the well preserved great buildings are result of its inconvenience location. although all the other 52 stations of Toukaidou were nearly destroyed by redevelopment, Sekijuku is not located suitable area for the redevelopment, it could avoid the cultural destruction and keep its great figure. furthermore, regardless of its beautiful built environment, it is not a very touristy place yet. it may be because of the rainy weather, but the number of tourists is obviously small. there are not many shops and restaurants for visitors either. it made a small inconvenience, yet because of its non-touristy character, sekijuku is popular destination for period drama shootings. although there were not many shops and restaurants, there were at least 2 really great cafes. 1 was surely one of the best cafes in japan ive ever been to. its name is Nagao-Yakkyoku, or Nagao Farmacy, although its a cafe:)

on the contrary, the Weakness could be its inconvenience in location, transportation and activities. thanks to the location, sekijuku has kept its figure, but it was not easy to get there at all. the number of trains are limited. it made me very strict to keep time, which i dont like when im traveling. the inconvenience in the activities refers to the lack of restaurant-kinds facilities. i still remember that i could have only a brownie for the lunch at one of the cafes. it didnt offer any meal...

it is very ironic that its inconvenience made sekijuku to maintain its unique and untouched urban landscape, but simultaneously, it made difficult for tourists to allow them to rest and enjoy touristy activities, namely, shopping and buying gifts.

for the touristy objectives, there should be more restaurants and cafes. at the same time, for the preservation purposes, the landscape shouldnt be changed. it would be very difficult to brand this area by satisfying tourists and locals simultaneously. as some of the buildings does, such as nagao yakkyoku cafe, it would be very exciting to reform inside of some houses to transform to restaurants... they do not have to appeal to be restaurants, yet it would be very comfortable if i can eat something more meal-like things for lunch next time i visit there. 

it would be really exciting if i can come up with something really crazy to propose, but i need to think more to come up with something... its almost impossible to just create something new while im typing... maybe my vocabrary of planning is too small. i have to walk much more so that i can get inspired by more!!


mariefred&gripsholmem, マリエフレッド&グリップスホルム








södermalm west, ソーデルの西側

もうすでに何回も登場しているソーデルだが、この島は東西に約4.5キロ、南北に約2キロの三角形というか、いびつなひし形のような形をしている。以前書いたヨットガータンはそのど真ん中を南北に縦断する通りで、nytorgetやkatarina kyrkaもそのヨットガータンから東側に入ったところである。で、この2か所について書いたとき、古い木造の家が残ってるのはここだけじゃないか?!と書いたが、急にそうではないことを思い出し、さっきまた見に行ってきた。

目指したのはzinkensdammというソーデルにある地下鉄の駅の周辺。この辺りにはストックホルムで一番センスのいいビンテージショップがあったりする。そこからちょっと奥に入っていくとskinnarviks bergetという丘に行きつく。ここからはストックホルムの北側が一望できる。ここに行きつく界隈が素晴らしいのである。







kuninaka area, sado

although this is about sado, id like to write in english today, since its not about thesis.

thanks to Tsuchiya-san, the base during my stay was in Niibo, one of 10 former municipalities until the city of Sado was established in 2004. its located in the middle of the island, called kuninaka area. this time i try to describe the characteristics of kuninaka area in general. but no analysis. just some facts and impressions.

since Sado was designated as the island of banishment from middle ages, there were many political criminals sent to sado, including the retired emperor juntoku, Noh founder Zeami, and famous buddhist monk Nichiren. thanks for the banishment, Sado could develop its noble noble culture. maybe thanks to the influence of zeami, the Noh stages are found anywhere in kuninaka, although the number of it is decreased dramatically in modern times. kokubunji was also established. whats more, since it didnt get victimized during the war time, the buildings are really well preserved.

since i could ride a bike thanks to Tsuchiyasan, and i even could get free ride thanks to many people, i didnt have much difficulties to visit some important sites. but its very difficult to travel around in sado without any cars. sado is really huge, but the public transport seriously sucks. the bus could be catched only once a hour or twice at the most. some peripheral areas have 2-3 busses a day or so... from this perspectives, its almost impossible to see everything without cars.

from the base in Niibo, i could visit some beautiful temples (and maybe shrines) in kuninaka, mostly by bike, and by Saigasan's and Tsuchiyasan's car. Ushio shrine has famous Noh stage, Choukokuji is well known for its peony garden, Seisuiji is well known as the famous Kiyomizudera (in Kyoto) in sado, Myousenji has the only five story pagoda in Niigata prefecture, and there are more and more and more cultural buildings.

with regards to nature, kuninaka is a plain field area surrounded by the Osado's highlands and Kosado's highlands. there are many rice fields. the sunset which can be seen from kuninaka was surely the gift from the nature. Tsuchiyasan told me the sunset from Nanaura was even greater, but still i really appreciated it every sunny days...

when i saw them it was very reasonable that some answers for the Q2 (what do u like in Sado?) were sky. i really need to visit there again! but maybe with drivers license and very comfortable bicycle. i really recomend you to go there if u havent been there, but stay there at least a few nights. sado wont betray your expectations no matter highly u dream about it, if u go to visit proper places!


akihabara, tokyo

this time, i write in english in order to fulfill the first aim of the blog, "write either in japanese or in english," although i havent told about the blog for any friends who dont understand japanese. just to satisfy myself...

today the topic is about the mecca(s) of geek culture in Tokyo; Akihabara and Nakano.

Akihabara, so called Akiba, is originally developed as the town of electric products. gradually, it has been becoming famous as the mecca of geeks, by adding some characters such as video games, animation, and even pornography. it was well known for its street performers on the main road which became pedestrian street on weekends, yet ive heard that its not happening anymore after the random killing in the summer of 2008. its a pity... so, this is the brief description of the area. from now, i try to analyze the area by SWOT.

first of all, the strengths of akiba is surely its unique culture and built environment which support the culture. there are so many elec shops, animation shops, geeks cafes and porno shops. since people tend to wonder around instead of head to one specific shop, good pedestrian facility is needed. it is true that it doesnt appear to have good pedestrian facilities, but there are. the main road running in the middle of akiba is very wide and often busy, but thanks to that, people can just wondering around the streets behind the main road without any dangers or hesitation. furthermore, although the road is pretty wide, the pedestrian street along it is also reasonablly wide, so that pedestrians can feel safe to walk, and many shop keepers try to catch customers on the street. this built environment stimulates the unique geek culture of akiba, and create vibrant atmosphere. the good connection of public transportation is also the positive aspects.

on the contrary, the weakness of akiba is the danger that happened last summer. although i think there are more securities today, some people still believe that its a dangerous place to go. at the same time, since geek people tend to be the targets for the street extortion, some other aspects of lack of security could be observed.

thirdly, the opportunities that would bring the prosperities to akiba is the dominantry popular japanese animation around the world and tourism. since japanese animation tends to be popular no matter how high or low the cultural capital is, many international tourists are coming to vitis akiba. furthermore, because of its original characteristic of elec shops, its become the shopping district for super rich tourists (often from china) to buy tv and computers as souvenirs. such diversity make the area more flourishing than ever.

the threats could be the second mecca of geeks, Nakano. nakano is still small, but its growing its potential as the hub for geek culture littel by little. some of my geek friends even say that nakano is more in than akiba today. i couldnt find whats in and out but this great challenger could threat akiba's post as the hub of geeks... or they both can stimulate compete each other to grow even more... who knows. at least i dont know. 

im not sure how its like on weekends today after the random killing, it would be great if the pedestrian weekends project are starting (if its not going on today...) the atmosphere of akiba is surely different from any others',  and even me kind of geeks (who dont know anything about electric appliances and animation but have some strong passion in something else) can surely enjoy. 


sado, niigata. 佐渡、新潟 その⑧



  • 若者にとって魅力的な場所になること 24
  • もっと活気のある島になること 17
  • もっと雇用機会があること 8
  • もっと観光客が来る 7
  • 老若男女問わず魅力的な場所 7
  • 子どもにとって魅力的 5
  • 人々が住みたくなるような島 4
  • 高齢者にとって魅力的な島 4
  • もっとバランスのいい年齢分布 4
  • もっと移住者 4
  • 本土とのネットワークがいい 3
  • 人口増加 3


  • 自然と暮らせる 22
  • 変わらないでいてほしい 8
  • 佐渡らしさ・佐渡パラダイム 7
  • 伝統文化を大切に 7
  • エコアイランド・エコツーリズムとしてのモデル 7
  • 第一次産業が活性化 6
  • 治安のいい 6
  • もっとトキがいる 6
  • 自給自足 4


  • 佐渡に自信をもてる 5
  • 人口が減ってもかまわない 5
  • いい人・いい人情 4
  • 持続可能な社会 3
  • 助け合いの社会 3



sado, niigata. 佐渡、新潟 その⑦



  • 連絡船の高運賃 15
  • 海に囲まれていること 15
  • 橋やトンネルでつながっていないこと 15


  • テレビとかマスコミ、インターネット 8


  • 外部資本 6
  • 国の政策 5
  • 外部からのおせっかい 3


  • 不景気 3
  • 観光客の減少 3
  • サービスが悪い 3





sado, niigata. 佐渡、新潟 その⑥




  • I・Uターンなどの新しい居住者 21
  • 観光業と観光客 10


  • トキのイメージ 20
  • 環境 14 (これは環境に対する意識の高まりと理解したい。けっこう無理やりだけど。)
  • テレビとかマスコミ 7


  • 島外資本 4


  • KODOの外部での活動 4


  • 海で囲まれているということ 8
  • 歴史・文化的な 6 (流刑元の文化とかだと無理やり理解した)



sado, niigata. 佐渡、新潟 その⑤




  • (特に冬場、)外部との交通の便が悪い 21
  • 連絡船が高い 7
  • 交通網が悪い 5


  • しがらみの多さとプライバシーの欠落 11
  • 閉鎖的な社会 11
  • 排他的 9


  • 仕事がない 9
  • 娯楽施設がない 7
  • 買い物で欲しいものが買えない 3
  • 都会っぽくなりたがる 3
  • 医療・福祉 3

  • 島であること 10
  • ガソリン等、島外からのものが高い 5
  • 島国根性 4
  • あきらめ感 3


  • 若い人がいない 4
  • 顧客サービスが悪い 4
  • 自己中 4
  • 変化を嫌う 4
  • 足を引っ張り合う 4
  • 佐渡の良さをわかっていない 4





ソーデルは北欧の中で最も人口密度の高いエリアらしい。確かに、周辺部には緑地部分もちらほらあるが、基本的には5階建てくらい以上の建物がほとんどである。そんな中、異彩を放つのが今回紹介する2か所、nytorgetとkatarina kyrkaの界隈である。ほとんどの建物がいかつい建物であるこの島において、この2か所はかなりかわいい。最初のニュートリエットは以前書いたSOFOの中でも中心的役割を果たす、カフェ文化の中心である。(ちなみに、この住所にカフェが実際にあるわけではないが、この界隈、やたらとカフェが多い。もちろん、ただのカフェだけではなく、以前はスニーカーショップだったお店が、このカフェ大人気エリアの影響か、スニーカーショップ兼カフェになったり、既に移転してしまったが、エコショップ兼カフェ、のような、兼業カフェもかなり多い。)で、このニュートリエットの建物が以下である。かわいい。。。



kungsholmen, クングスホルム










on lidingövägen,




