
the mode of transport in Naoshima

ok, this is the last entry of "the mode of transport in ..." series from my business trip. it was rather surprising that i could visit naoshima this easily again only two months after the bullet trip in the end of july, although this time i could see next to nothing. so what i payed attention to was its mode of traffic, which was ferry. 

i wrote that having a tram network is a great asset for a city, yet having a ferry network is superb (from touristy perspectives)!!! and in this area, the price of one ferry ride is super generous unlike a customer-unfriendly ferry company operating between niigata and sado, which always rip off... with this price, it must be easy for islanders to move around the area, and definitely easy for tourists to travel around. 

but there is a huge problem about this ferry network, which is its frequency. if they operate bit more often, i think i could see bit more than just a pumpkin and a public bath...

it was my second business trip to outside tokyo, and i reconfirmed that i wanted to just make a trip, not a business trip, so that i could just enjoy something extraordinary. but at the same time, i really appreciate this sort of opportunity as i could at least glance something different from my ordinary life in tokyo.

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