one short ride costs only 150yen, which is super generous. yet its service was not necessarily generous. as i didnt have the transportation card for this tram (naturally as i dont live there) so i had to pay with cash. but paying machine was not able to give me 50yen of change, and the driver was frustrated at my behaviour of throwing 200yen to the machine as he had to work something additional...!! ok, it was my fault that i didnt pay a big attention to how to pay, but then this driver should be the one to tell me how i should pay for the ride. but instead of telling me how to, he just saw me in trouble, making mistake and got frustrated at what i did. i didnt get it. from this perspectives, i realize that i like cities with tram network with sophisticated system and drivers/staffs. hiroshima has some way to go in this aspect.
nways, after a short tram ride from the station, i could see the famous atomic bomb dome of hiroshima. this area made me determine that we have to maintain our globe more peacefully not only for all human but also for the all beings.
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