
nihonbashi, the ugly symbol of japan

nihonbashi is the fundamental point of japan. old travel routes from tokyo start from here and still its the standard point for many roads. 

the other day i cycled there to attend an interesting conference about floating garbages. attendants were actively involved with the discussion, and i could get to know some interesting things about the issue. i didnt know that japanese law only concerns only those garbages that are drifted ashore and those still drifting are not paid attention to. so the attendants, mainly environmentalist or whatsoever, were arguing that that sorts of garbages should be also taken care of. it was surely a fruitful day for my interest...

yet, after the conference finished, strolling along nihonbashi area, i couldnt stop thinking, "is it actually possible for japanese government to think about what they cannot see by their eyes?" as i was strolling around nihonbashi, the symbol of japan, the standard of japan, although it was sooooooooo visible, i couldnt think it was well paid attention to. how could the symbol be that ugly? 

ok after the ww2, while japan was flourishing with the rapid economic growth, building a highway must have been something people were really proud of. and ive watched a program about the relation between highway and the canal, that constructing highway over the canal made it possible to organize highway network in tokyo cheaply and it was the only option. but now, after the rapid economic growth is long gone, i strongly believe that the city should pay more big attention to its people and their lives. i wouldnt say i hate this coverage of canal as it is the characteristics of chaotic tokyo, but i cant stop thinking "arent there any other things to do there?" when i see that sort of sight. i dont think its the best idea to demolish the highway, yet at least it could look rather differently, or simply put, nicely. 

this conference in nihonbashi reminded me of the importance to pay attention to something u cant see directly, but the area discouraged me to believe its possibility. unless people notice how weird or ugly what they take for granted is, i dont think they can concern more about what they cant see.

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